Group at FZU and DPU
Adam Benjamin Plšek Undergraduate student (Jan 2024 - now). "Responsive hydrogels for optical micromachines and miniaturized biosensor elements".
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Gizem Aktug PhD student (Feb. 2023 - now). "Affinity optical biosensors for continuous monitoring and single molecule detection".
Dario Cattozzo Mor PhD student (Sept 2021 - now). "Plasmonic mircromachines with biosensing functionality".
Juan Allegretto Postdoc (Feb 2023 - now). "Tailoring plasmonics and MOF: synergy for odorant sensing".
Naoto Aasi Postdoc (July 2022 - now). "Single molecule detection enabled by catalytic hairpin assembly".
Begum Balkan PhD student (March 2024 - now). "Soft micromachines for biosensing and stimulation of cell-on-chip".
Prasanth Asokan Postdoc (May 2023 - now). "Versilib - Versatile amplification method for single-molecule liquid biopsy".
Vincent Herweg Master student (April 2023 - Dec 2023). "Detection of cancer biomarkers based on methylated DNA".
Yevhenii Morozov Postdoc (Jan 2021 - Jan 2023). "Plasmonic nanomaterials with addressable hotspot" (after junior scientist at Molecular Diagnostics, Austrian Instititute of Technology).
Matthias Pertiller Master student (Oct 2020 - May 2023). "Antifouling and biofunctional hydrogel architectures for affinity biosensors and apheresis" (after with with
Simone Hageneder Trainee (Jul. 2013 - Dec. 2013), Master student (Feb. 2014 - Aug. 2015) "Plasmonically amplified fluorescence assays for ultrasensitive detection of biomarkers" |
Simone Auer Internship and master student (July 2018 - 2021). "Rapid plasmonic actuation of thermoresponsive hydrogel structures"
Bernadette Lechner Master student (Nov 2019 - Dec 2020). "Rolling
circle amplification for plasmonic biosensors".
Sami Mustafa Master student (Jan 2019 - June 2019). "Plasmonic biosensing in cell cultures"
Priyamvada Venugopalan Postdoc (Jul. 2016 - Dec. 2018) "Plasmonically enhanced biosensing of small molecules by SERS" (after postdoc with New York Univeristy Abu Dhabi)
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Daria Kotlarek PhD student (Sept. 2015 - August 2019) "Optical biosensing of biomarkers in blood and plasma
enabled by biocompatible polymer architectures".
Nestor Quilis Gisbert Master student (Feb. 2015 - Jul. 2015) "Preparation of plasmonic nanostructures for biosensor applications" (Erasmus Mundus student). PhD student (Sept 2015 - Oct. 2018) "Active plasmonic nanostructures with responsive polymers " (after R&D at MadX). |
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Vanessa Jungbluth Master student (March. 2017 - July 2018) "Plasmonic biosensig with low molecular weight ligands" (after PhD student with Prof. Giuseppe Spoto, University of Catania).
Imran Khan PhD student (Jul. 2013 - Dec. 2017) "Light management in organic photovoltaic solar cells" (joint project with Dr. Theodoros Dimopoulos, Energy Dpt. at Austrian Institute of Technology)
Khulan Sergelen PhD student (Oct. 2012 - Oct. 2017) "Reversible plasmonic biosensors based on aptamers and hydrogels" (with Prof. Bo Liedberg, NTU, Singapore). (after postdoc at University of Eindhoven)
Agnes ReinerPhD student (Apr. 2014 - Sept. 2017) "Exosome analysis for ovarian cancer diagnostics" (with Prof. Robert Zeilinger, Dr. Dietmar Pils, MedUni Vienna and Dr. Kiang Sai Lim, IMB A*STAR Singapore). (after postdoc with University of Vienna) |
Hamid Keshmiri PhD student (Feb. 2013 - Jan 2016) "Active plasmonics with responsive hydrogels and theoretical analysis thin film solar cells".
Christian Petri PhD student (at AIT Jul. 2013 - Feb. 2015) "Functional hydrogels for optical biosensors" (with Prof. Ulrich Jonas, University of Siegen).
Nityanand Sharma PhD student (Jul. 2012 - 2015) "Hydrogel nanostructures for plasmonc and biosensor applications" (with Prof. Bo Liedberg, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Joint PhD programm of University of Applied Life Sciences in Vienna). (after junior research fellow at Nanyang Technolgical University, Singapore, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Prof. Lui Quan) |
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Martin BauchPhD student (Jul. 2011 - Oct 2014) "Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence on metallic nanostructures for biochip applications" (with Dr. Claudia Preininger, AIT Health and Environment Dpt.). (after junior scientist with Energy Dpt., Austrian Institute of Technology) |
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Mana Toma PhD student (June 2009-September 2012) "Nano-patterned plasmonic surfaces with responsive polymers for highly sensitive biosensor applications". (after postdoc with Prof. Robert Corn, University of California in Irwine, USA)
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Koji Toma PhD student (June 2009-September 2012) "High capacity biosensing based on surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy". (after postdoc with Prof Andreas Offenhäuser, Juelich)
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Yi Wang PhD student (Aug. 2007- Dec. 2010) "New schemes and applications of surface plasmon resonance and optical waveguide-based biosensors". Postdoc (Jan.- May 2011) "Magnetic nanoparticle-enhanced grating-coupled surface plasmon biosensor". (after postdoc with Prof. Bo Liedberg, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) |
Chun Jen Huang PhD student (Oct. 2007- Dec. 2010) "Advanced schemes for surface plasmon resonance and plasmon-enhanced fluorescence biosensors". (after posdoc with Prof. Shaoyi Jiang, University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
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Batuhan Güngörmez ERASMUS internship student (July. 2019 - Sept. 2019) "Polymer biointerfaces for optical biosensors".
Nicolas Guiler Ferrer Sanchez Internship student (July. 2016 - Sept. 2016) "Localized surface plasmon resonance biosensing", (June 2018 - March 2019) "Multi-diffractive plasmonic gratings".
Valerii Myndrul OEAD internship student (March. 2018 - May. 2018) "Plasmonic nanostructures for SERS".
Anil Bozdogan ERASMUS internship student (Apr. 2018 - Oct. 2018) "Photo-crosslinkable hydrogel architectures for plasmonic biosensors".
Mark Patrick Kreutzer Visiting researcher supported by HYMADE (Jul. 2018 - Aug. 2018) "Enzymatic amplification for plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy".
Mohamed Askar Intership student (Jul. 2016 - Aug. 2016, Jul. 2017 - Sept. 2017) "Advanced plasmonic nanostructures for fluorescence spectroscopy".
Samia Menad Postdoc (Dec. 2015 - Jul. 2016) "Development of a plasmon-enhanced fluorescence imaging instrument". With Horiba Scientific supported by the project ULTRAPLACAD. |
Federica Pirani PhD student (January 2015 - May 2015) "Optical observation of nanostructured thin responsive hydrogel films" (with Prof. Descrovi, Politechnico di Torino).
Ola Karczmarczyk PhD student (March 2015 - May 2015) "Plasmonic biosensor for detection of toxins in food matrices" (with ITN Network SAMOSS).
Tomas Riedel Visiting researcher (July 2014 - December 2014) "Salivary plasmonic biosensors advanced by antifouling brush biointerface architectures" (Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). |
Han Bao Visiting researcher (Dec. 2010 - April 2011) "Long range surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy for detection of bacterial pathogens in real samples, molecular imprint polymers for theophylline". With Prof. Tianxin Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology, China.
Regis Mejard visiting researcher (2009, July-Aug.) "Long range surface plasmons interfaces for immunosensors". With Dr. Benjamin Thierry, University of Adelaide, Australia.
Qingwen Zhang visiting researcher (Dec. 2010 - Dec. 2011) "Hydrogel optical waveguide spectroscopy for detection of small molecules, molecular imprint polymers". With Prof. Tianxin Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology, China.
Maria Ermini visiting researcher (Dec. 2011 - Feb. 2012) "Surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy for the analysis methylated DNA". With Prof. Maria Minunni, University of Florence, Italy.
Nazek Maalouly visiting researcher (Oct.30 - Nov. 19 2011) "Surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence on metallic nanoparticle clusters and diffractive gratings". With Prof. Sabine Szunerits, Universite Lille 1, France.